Question of the Day:

To see answers to these questions or if you have any questions you'd like help with, go to the Kiddy Kaos Facebook page:

"Is there a guideline to childrens' bedtimes? I noticed in Master Seven's class they have a chart on the wall where everyone had graphed their bedtimes. They ranged from 7pm-9pm. My 7-year-old goes to bed at 8pm and his four-year-old siblings 7pm, all going well, (so I can watch Shortland Street in peace). What are your kids' ages and their bedtimes?"

"I'm interested to know your views on letting your kids have snacks after dinner. Do you let them if they've eaten all their dinner (and moaned all the way) or are they just being greedy? My kids are skinny so I don't like to starve them but then I feel like it's setting them up for bad eating habits later in life ..."

"Making lunches just got harder after Master Seven came home and announced he's no longer allowed to eat his favourite peanut butter sandwiches at school because a boy he sits next to inside on rainy days is allergic to peanuts. A tad hard when I try to be organised by making lunches the night before and I don't know what the weather's going to do ... 
Is this just restricted to rainy days when they're in close proximity? He's a bit vague on the details... 
Does anyone have experience with this?"

"Some friends and I were having a chat the other day about how we leave the state of the house when we go out. 
We were 50/50 - some messy, some tidy. I have to admit I'm a bit anal about scooting round and tidying the carnage (even if I'm running late) so I walk into a nice, tidy house. Same at night for the next morning. 
Out of interest, what's your style?"

"I knew I should've been touching wood when I proudly announced yesterday that none of the kids has been sick yet this winter. I've had a good run health-wise and am so inexperienced with sick kids that I'm wondering if you can tell me some of the best remedies for an incessant cough. I seem to remember cough medicine just making the tickle worse as a kid ... Your solutions will be much-appreciated"

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