Quotes & Advice

Post your quotes and advice here. 

"What you put in is what you get out and time spent with your children is the best time. So what if the washing is a day late in getting out on the line - time spent reading, listening, being a taxi driver, loving and laughing is well worth it." - Jo Ashby, Kiddy Kaos subscriber.

"No matter what you're thinking, how you're feeling, or what you're doing, there is a mum out there who is in the same place." - Christine Kalati, Littlies reader.

"If you have a truly ghastly day, go and gaze at your child when they are asleep. They look so calm, vulnerable and beautiful and it is much easier to remember that you love them and will do it all over again tomorrow." - Diane Levy, Family Therapist

"Parents need to fill a child's bucket of self-esteem so high that the rest of the world can't poke enough holes to drain it dry."

"The days are long but the years are short." - Rebecca Malcolm, Littlies reader.

"Boys are like little dogs. Make sure they have a good run every day and your life will be a lot calme.," - Karen Wyatt-Epapara, Littlies reader.

"Don't let your child get over-tired - it's not worth it!" - Amy Wren, Littlies reader.

"Don't compare yourself with other parents or your children with other children. Walk your own path and enjoy the view!" - Lindy Jones, Littlies reader.

"If something is not right, follow your gut. If you don't get answers the first time, keep digging until you do - no matter how long it takes." - Nik Gleeson, Littlies reader.

"Cherish every moment with your wee one. The hard times are for such a short time. Embrace the stages that you feel will just go on forever (night feeds, temper tantrums, etc) - these stages go by so fast." - Paula Hawkings, Lollipops operations manager.

"The first hug, the 'Please don't go!' hug, the family hug and the 'You're my whole world!' hug... Take time to hug your little one every day." - The Huggies Team.

"Always back your partner up in front of the children. Build your partner up in your child's eyes. Show your child that you respect your partner." - Gabby Dee, Littlies reader.

"When I kiss my two boys goodnight, I say, 'How did I get to be such a lucky mummy to have the two best sons in the world?' I think it is what parenting is all about - instilling a deep-down sense of belonging." - Frances McInnes, director, Breastmates.

"Hugs, hugs and more hugs. A mum's hug lasts long after she lets go." - Lesley Williamson, Littlies founder and director.

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