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  1. Hi Jodi

    I have just had a delightful “stroll” though your blog and the articles are lovely. I couldn’t stop reading them. What a lovely description of the vagaries and daily surprises of parenting.
    Thank you for granting me the “Quote of the Week”. I am very flattered.
    Best wishes and keep up the wonderful writing.

    Diane Levy
    Family Therapist, Parenting Coach, Speaker
    Presenter\Therapist on the TV show “Demons to Darlings”
    Parenting Answers for “NZ Woman’s Weekly” magazine
    Writer/Expert Panelist for “Littlies” magazine
    Writer\Expert “Supergranny” for

    Author of
    "Of course I love you...NOW GO TO YOUR ROOM!"
    "They look so lovely when they're asleep"
    ‘Time Out for Tots, Teens and Everyone in between”

    Principal contributor to
    “The Littlies book of Answers”

  2. Hi Jodi
    Spent a lovely evening reading and laughing my way through your bog site - thank you for reigniting the memories of when my two were littlies. How time flies - they are now two lovely young adults who I treasure very much and look forward to their Sunday night visits.

    Two books that I would highly recommend to any parent are Mothers Raising Sons and Fathers Raising Daughters along with Raising Boys by Steve Biddulph - certainly gave me a much better understanding and insight into the different stages of their growing up. The books have been around a while but well worth the time out to read -especially after a trying day!

    I have a saying (I'm sure someone else probably thought of it as well) 'What you put in is what you get out' and time spent with your children is the best time - so what if the washing is a day late in getting out on the line - time spent reading, listening, being the taxi driver, loving and laughing is well worth it.

    Keep up the good work Jodi
    Regards Jo

    1. Thanx Jo! Your boys are testament to that theory, after meeting them (as adults) the other night. I might start a reviews page so will add those books to my reading list! :)

  3. Awesome! Hi Diane Levy- go Jodi it is looking great! Enjoying it!


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