Saturday 1 October 2011


I will never forget the first time having multiples impacted on me. It was day four up in the hospital. I always warn people about the dreaded ‘day three’ after giving birth. Due to hormones in over drive and milk coming in, the majority of this day is usually spent in tears. However, my day three came and went – no tears.
But then day four struck.
It was Friday evening and, with babies sleeping peacefully, I’d sent hubby, who’d been by my side for most of the last three days, off to work drinks. During this time the grandparents showed up with our then two-year-old Cade. I loved these visits with him because I missed my little man but unfortunately, not long after arriving, it became apparent he needed a new nappy and no one had a spare. He was at the stage where this bothered him and became upset. Unable to come up with a solution, I began to feel distressed. Right then both babies woke screaming. They were hungry and relentless with their demand.
This was when it struck me that I had three children depending on me and I hadn’t a clue who to tend to first.
So there I was in the midst of three balling infants so what did I do? I joined them.
At that point a visibly-relaxed hubby walked in, stopped in his tracks and surveyed the scene: his poor mum was hovering helplessly, his dad had understandably bailed and the rest of the room was in tears.
These days I’m still in hot demand in my house but I like to think I handle it better.
I was lucky to have three little piggies who took to breastfeeding like pros. They were seven minute feeders, which meant the slurping noises were not so discreet but it made for a quick night-time turnaround and I didn’t wean them for 14 months.
At its peak, with all three in nappies we were changing up to 30 a day.
For the first two years stepping out in public felt like we were mini celebs. I’m not joking when I say I’d have to allow at least half an hour for being mobbed. But in all honesty, I loved it. Who wouldn’t relish the chance to put a smile on someone’s face or brighten up one’s day?
Admittedly these days, if I’m bold enough to take them shopping, we’re met with wary looks or thinly-disguised horror.
If I could have a penny for every time I’ve heard “Double trouble” or “You must have your hands full!” I could buy us a mansion. It’s true they’re double-trouble but it’s also true they’re a double-blessing. My ‘babies’ were three yesterday and they crack me up every day.
Jai and Jayla are BFF’s (best friends forever) and the first thing one will ask upon waking, is where the other is.

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