Saturday 27 July 2013

Royal Parenting

Did anybody else wonder how Prince William managed to secure the baby capsule in the back of the car so swiftly before he zoomed off?
He had to have been practicing beforehand right? Perhaps it was all for show and he simply drove around the corner into some high-walled, gated compound where he promptly hopped back out and had one of his minders do it. Yes, that’ll be it.
I’m sure we fumbled round in the car park with it for eons and that would’ve been after a fair amount of practicing at home.
It took a heck of a lot longer the second time. Trying to fit two newborn baby capsules into the backseat, along with a carseat for a two-year-old was no easy task.
And if I remember correctly, this was after the two-year-old decided it would be a great idea to take off down one of the dark, long, windy and seldom-used corridors on the way out.
I remember the fleeting moment of wondering whether to lug the car capsules down the maze-like corridors in pursuit or temporary ditch them and give chase.
Little did I know this was to be the first of many such situations.
But the prince and duchess have all that ahead of them. Actually, no they won’t. They’ll have a team of minders assigned to rein in each errant child.
I wonder if, after they zoomed off for show into the gated compound they had their driver drive at snail-pace all the way home for fear their new and precious cargo would come to harm enroute? How can any new parent forget that journey home?!
Like most around the globe, I watched transfixed as Wills and Kate stepped out and I tried to draw the kids’ attention to this momentous occasion. However, later Miss Four said:
”Mum, I don’t ever want to have a baby.”
“Oh, why not?”
“Because it will just cry and I’ll just have to keep fixing it.”
True dat.
“And it will always poo its nappy and I’ll just have to keep changing that too,” she went on.
“And it might be a boy!”
How awful.
I think it is admirable that the new parents emerged and spoke to the press with the world’s eyes upon them when poor, tired Catherine was probably just hoping like heck she didn’t spring a leak for all and sundry to see.
And it is absolutely fabulously brilliant that William had already changed a nappy before they left the hospital. I wonder if it was the lovely tar-like meconium one? I can’t imagine Charles would’ve done that in his day.
But if they thought the meconium nappy was bad – wait till they encounter their first power-poo. Wouldn’t it be funny if baby George happened to be sitting on Prince Charles when it happened. 
That image would be priceless.

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