Saturday 5 October 2013

End of an Era

I can still vividly remember my younger brother’s final day at kindy – getting to the gate, then his small retreating figure as he raced back and threw himself into his favourite teacher’s arms. Last Friday this scene was replayed with my own children. 
It was a bittersweet day – the end of an era, yet the start of the next chapter. 
The twins dressed in their finest and, at mat time, lined up alongside five other children leaving for school. They took turns sitting on the ‘throne’ next to the head teacher who made each child feel special by talking about their time at kindy and the exciting school times ahead. 
Anyone in the room was allowed to put up their hand and share anecdotes about what they loved about the individual being farewelled. Because there was such a big group leaving, the ceremony was lengthy and the children were getting restless. After every two kids, they were asked to stand and run down to the swings and back which seemed to generate another couple minute’s attention span. 
Then the leavers were issued with a diploma, their kindergarten cvs and a playdough cake each, and everyone sung and clapped. Fancy food was handed out at morning tea, a gift was presented and, at home time, there were hugs, tears and promises of returning for a 
Despite there being so many leaving at once, much ado was made for each child and I wondered if the twins were feeling any twinges of sadness as it sunk in that there was to be no more kindy. 
Apparently not. 
As we walked out the doors for the final time, I turned to them and asked if they had a good last day. 
To which Master Four replied: “Was it our last day?”

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