Saturday 13 April 2013


Whatever happened to “Why is the sky blue?” or “Why is the grass green?” Those are typical childhood questions aren’t they?
So then why has it not occurred to my children to ask these questions and, instead, fire at me the likes of: “Mum, do teachers ever go to the toilet?” or “Do policemen get married?”
“Er yes,” I answered, still perplexed by the last question.
“Why is that?”
“Because I want to be a policemen and I don’t want to get married.”
Of course.
Then there’s: “Mum, why are those flies fighting?”
“Oh because they just are!” I’m not ready to explain this one to Master Six-going on Seven – I’m still getting over him asking how the father sheep put the seed in the mother sheep when sheep don’t have hands.
And besides, I was now trying to deal with the disturbing fact that two flies were going at it in my kitchen.
Sometimes it’s just sheer exhausting keeping up with appropriate answers to their bizarre questions – who needs crosswords to get the mind ticking?
But back to why the sky is blue. Why is it by the way? Hang on while I just Google it …
Well that was easy – I hadn’t even typed the word ‘is’ in the search bar when the question came up, making it one of the most frequently asked questions.
Clearly I wasn’t the only one who didn’t know. But now I do… I think. The answer wasn’t exactly straight-forward and I imagine I’d rather attempt explaining to a six-year-old why two flies were stuck together than about atmospheric molecules of light.
So now I’m armed with an answer of sorts should they ever think to ask such a simple question but meanwhile I’ll keep fielding the bombardment of eccentric queries coming my way from three curious little minds … whilst adding fly spray to my shopping list.

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