Saturday 7 September 2013

Martha Stewart and Rainbow Spaghetti

“All these mums who are on Pinterest, making rainbow spaghetti and homemade playdough… I’m all like ‘I had a shower today and kept the kids alive – Go Me!’” read the quote doing the cyber rounds recently.
What the heck is rainbow spaghetti anyway? And if you don’t know what Pinterest is, join the club. I would look into it for the sake of shedding some light and, although I have friends trying to get me into it, I am going to choose to remain oblivious for fear of being lured in.
As for the homemade playdough, I tried that once and, although I restricted it to the outdoors only, there were little bits of red playdough trampled into the deck for weeks after. Now it’s banned but that’s what kindy’s for isn’t it?
But seriously, has anyone tried making rainbow spaghetti?
It all sounds very Martha Stewarty. Speaking of Martha Stewart, she once gave a demo on Oprah Winfrey on how to fold a fitted sheet. Despite the benefits of MySky and therefore being able to rewind and pause live tele … and rewind and pause … like 30 times, and then watch in slow-motion, I still can’t fold a fitted sheet.
Epic fail.
But who cares what a fitted sheet looks like once it’s stored away in the linen cupboard, right?
Damn it.
Martha Stewart has a lot to answer for in setting the bar so high. All this folding fitted sheets, home-made jams and hand-sewn curtains… I mean, I cook and clean but can’t sew to save myself. In fact in form two we had to sew a cushion in the shape of a stuffed pig. I was the last in the class to finish, staying in at lunch while the teacher, clearly missing a lunch break, sighed repetitively from her desk. The pig fell apart and lost all its stuffing within a week.
I’m sure the older generations despair over this lack of sewing ability - with the exception of some - common in today’s youth. Is it still even a compulsory subject or have they given up?
For a while, whenever the kids returned from sleepovers at their nanas’ I noticed their favourite, well-worn soft toys would come back mended. But then it got to the point where they were springing leaks left, right and centre; as a result, baby, rabbit and bear are now adorned in fancy plasters, thanks to my patch-up jobs. 
However, after the fitted sheet failure, I had more success last night with making a paper dart for Master Four via a step-by-step Google guide. Good old Google. Who knew the process was so intricate and there were up to 15 steps? No wonder my dart planes always dive-bombed.
But this rainbow spaghetti, as Martha Stewartish as it sounds, now has me intrigued. So you’re going to have to excuse me while I go Google it.

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